Tuesday 27 January 2015

Day 358, Having Your Voice Heard

Endo 365

I have an amazing friend who is currently on her second gapyah studying the bible in Mexico in preparation for a life in helping women who have been exploited or/and fallen into prosititution. And she showed me something that I had taken for granted and never realised before; Hannah's talents lie in what she has to give to individual cases and her beautiful impact on those she meets. She will never cause a big fuss because she is too busy caring. I could not do this like she could because I over commit and get too distracted by shiny things, it's one flaw of many. But Han pointed out that I play a different cog which I had never considered; the importance of making a rumble and getting the injustices noticed. 

Politics extends further than just party politics; most sociological issues are political in nature. There is an agenda for progression, however things impend, impose or oppress that progression. And then throw in cultural relativity for a bit of fun. I don't know whether it is because I was bullied in my childhood, or that growing up in the West we have an innate sense of justice, however I feel passionately at the core of my morals for the need of social justice; for any person or groups of people who are discriminated against. I feel an often overpowering sense of frustration and compulsion to do whatever is within my power to correct what I know and feel to be wrong. Perhaps it is naivety and immaturity yet to be scorned by the world. A wise man once said that; 'People say a pessimist is an optimist with more data. But they are wrong; I say that an optimist is a pessimist with even more data.' Its kind of funny how many things in like come full circle. It certainly can come across as me being obnoxious for my siblings at times who get fed up with my crushing alpha sense of fairness. But the intention is always innate and burning. Sometimes it keeps me awake at night and I cannot stop it and I will not apologise for it.

Even writing this has ignited a fire of passion in my tummy because I am struggling to articulate and justify the obligation I feel as a human being to in whatever minuscule way possible, reinstate an equilibrium.

The reason I am telling you this is because whether you're a Hannah or an Alice, there is a way to have your voice heard and tap at that wall of ignorance. 

Endometriosis UK and I invite and implore you to sign our petition being sent to David Cameron highlighting the need for quicker diagnosis time and a greater education within the medical profession. Lets face it, if you have invested enough of your time to read up to this point, it would be counterproductive not to sign here . it is completely free!

Today you can have your voice heard and campaign in the comfort of your home, make an impact, cause a ripple of influence, end the silence.

Now it is your time to be politically precocious and pass this on, put it on Facebook, twitter and send it around your emailing list.

Things do not change on their own. Be part of the cause and effect. 

Lots of Love,

Allie XXX

P.S reliving  'Crying in Public Toilets with Happiness' again and I am not in hospital and I am not dependant on anyone else yet. Pain levels are as good as spirit. Now sign the petition and pass it on.